The family is gone, the house is empty, and the Wet Bandits are casing the joint. More than 30 teams of filmmakers channel their inner Kevin McAllister to help Crowdsourced VT remake the holiday slapstick comedy “Home Alone!” Our statewide community film project is in its 5th year: "Operation Ho-Ho-Ho is a go!"
11/21 Manchester Screening at Manchester Community Library
11/22 TV Premiere at 8PM
CREATE - Comcast 1074 | Burlington Telecom 215
LEARN - Comcast 1094 | Burlington Telecom 216You can also watch the film on your local community media channels, on the statewide Vermont Community Television, and online here, after our live events!
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Each team (which is one or more people) signs up to participate in the project and are randomly assigned a one-to-three minute scene from Home Alone. There are more than 40 scenes for Vermonters to remake with their own costumes, special effects, sound, and style. Crowdsourced VT provides support along the way, with online workshops, tech support from local community media centers, and a Discord server to share your ideas and works in progress. The final production is assembled, color corrected, and normalized at the Media Factory. Finally, in November we all gather at premieres around the state to celebrate.
Crowdsourced Cinema VT is a statewide creative project, produced by the Media Factory in partnership with an alliance of Vermont community media centers. The organizations are all members of the Vermont Access Network, (VAN), a membership organization of the 24 regional Community Media Access Centers operating more than 80 local cable channels across Vermont. VAN Members use emerging communications technologies to foster free speech, encourage civic engagement, enhance public discourse, and allow elected officials and community members to communicate better. Key project partners include Brattleboro Community TV, Greater Northshire Access Television, Mt. Mansfield Community Television, Lake Champlain Access TV, and Junction Arts and Media, all of whom run summer camps for Crowdsourced Cinema VT or coordinate events and workshops.
The Crowdsourced Cinema VT project is part of a national collaboration with Brookline Interactive Group, Northampton Open Media (the original creator of Crowdsourced Cinema), and Community Media Access Collaborative Fresno – each are producing their own version of the same film.
All Media Factory videos are licensed under creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0