Scott Campitelli Memorial Scholarship Award

The Media Factory is pleased to announce the selection of graduating Burlington High School senior Maia Vota as the first recipient of the Scott Campitelli Memorial Scholarship.
Maia was unanimously selected by the scholarship committee, made up of board members and staff from Media Factory partners RETN and VCAM, as well as Scott’s family.
“We are very proud to award the first-ever Scott Campitelli Memorial Scholarship to Maia,” said VCAM Executive Director Seth Mobley. “It has been a pleasure not only to see Maia hone her skills at the Media Factory over the years, but also make a big positive impact on our community along the way.”
Maia has been producing videos since she was 13 years-old and impressed the committee with her community involvement and her choice to focus many of her films on equity.
“A lot of my work revolves around issues in my school and the Burlington community,” said Maia, “such as celebrating the raising of a Black Lives Matter flag, exploring the sexual assault reporting process at UVM, and the BHS girls soccer #EqualPay campaign.”
Maia’s short film about the #EqualPay campaign had impact beyond the Burlington community when clips from it were featured on national news outlets like CNN, NBC and CBS.
“In a time where we need to be having important but difficult conversations about social justice, film can be a great facilitator,” said Maia. “I hope I can use the filmmaking tools I’m gaining as a way to start conversations, or help someone see a different perspective in order to move us forward on all kinds of social justice issues.”
Maia will attend Savannah College of Art and Design in the fall to study Television and Film.
“I know Scott would be pleased with her passion for media production and her dedication to telling important stories to her community, “ said RETN Board Chair Gary Lambert. “I can think of no better way to honor Scott’s memory.”
Scott was a dedicated educator, lover of dogs and great stories, and a passionate advocate for community media. During his career, he taught middle school, served as the long-time Executive Director of RETN, and most recently was Director of Content for VTPBS. The Media Factory plans to permanently endow this annual $2000 scholarship in Scott’s honor. If you would like to contribute to this fund and support a graduating Vermont senior, please donate here.
Full Statement from RETN Board Chair Gary Lambert:
I am excited that Maia Vota is the first recipient of the Scott Campitelli Memorial Scholarship. I know Scott would be pleased with her passion for media production and her dedication to sharing important stories with her community. When I first shared the idea of this scholarship with Scott he was honored that a scholarship in his name would be awarded to a deserving senior pursuing a career in media production and telling these important stories that otherwise might go untold. Scott's professional career, and his private life, were dedicated to providing communities access to the tools to create and share these vital stories. In his free time, which was very limited with the hours he dedicated to his work, he continued to be a storyteller through his stand-up comedy routines and his PechaKucha presentations. I am sad that he isn’t with us today to celebrate Maia’s achievements, but I can hear his deep infectious laugh and I know that he is smiling at this first award of his scholarship. I can think of no better way to honor Scott’s memory.